INCH x INCH is a monthly button club that was launched in early 2015 to help youth art education. It was created by Bob Ewing and Drew Hill, both from the Indianapolis-area with art and design backgrounds, and they donate the proceeds of the membership to two charities that support national and local youth art education. At the moment, those charities are Art With a Heart and 826CHI. Each month, club members receive 3 one-inch buttons that are designed by a collaborating artist. The membership is for a whole year, so you get a total of 36 buttons for $30 ($40 if you’re outside of the US) along with some bonus branded buttons during your first month.
Bonus buttons with your first set of buttons.
They are not laminated, and you can feel the letter-pressed goodness. Better not get them wet though!
My memory is a bit fuzzy but I think I came across INCH x INCH from either Busy Beaver Button Co. or French Paper. If you’re a Field Notes fan, you know that both companies often work with Field Notes. They are among several supporters of INCH x INCH, donating their time and materials to the mission. Later I learned that Aaron Draplin was going to be the 3rd contributing artist, and I knew I had to stop procrastinating and just sign up. (I’m still a bit sad I missed out on Sam Larson’s buttons. Oh well, better late than never.)
I’m not a pin-back button enthusiast or a collector by any means, but I’ve come to enjoy them quite a bit. (Field Notes buttons may have had something to do with that.) In person, the INCH x INCH buttons are really as cute and as fun as they look online. The Aaron Draplin buttons from May have a horizon theme with his signature thick lines, and I’m especially enjoying the Allan Peters buttons from June with the pencil and notebook design. And the classroom-themed branding and packaging of INCH x INCH, with the sunny yellow color and letterpressed cards, are a joy to experience. It feels like you’re receiving a little gift in the mail from a friend.
Each button has backrim text!
I’m glad I finally subscribed. I’m contributing to a good cause, however little, and I get cool surprise every month in return! I may be having too much fun actually… I’m wondering where else I can accessorize with my next set of buttons.
Button use case #002: pencil/pen case
Button use case #003: backpack. #001 is here.
Do check out their website for more details if you’re interested. Their site is well designed and friendly to browse with plenty of subtle details and wit. (The membership form redirects you to Paypal, btw). I really think the folks over at INCH x INCH are on to something, and I’m looking forward to seeing how their project grows.